We are grateful to God for the successful completion of the last two months’ Online Zoom Seminar. There were more than 50 inter-denominational churches represented. The teachings have impacted and ministered to many lives. All glory to God! Below are some testimonies from those who have completed the full course:
Life Testimonies from our Seminars
* There is no doubt the Spirit of the Lord is the one who birthed forth your ministry and teaching. It really helped bring greater clarity and light into areas that are close to His heart too as we are transformed more into the Bride of Christ.
* Both pastors have made it very relevant to our daily lives and interactions with one another, feelings that we are aware of but don’t look into deeply enough nor define it properly. For providing Biblical antidotes in a flashcard prescription for references.
* You both have broken down the teaching into bite sizes and so edible to my mind. My toxic thoughts and resentment have been healed during this seminar.
* This seminar gives Word and clarity to the issues of the heart that is so easy to understand and applicable to my life.
* The topics are indeed relevant in many lives and your proofed points supplemented with Scriptures help us to guard our hearts. Wonderful teaching, So very blessed!
* The seminar helped me to know how to be set free from my anger, jealousy, guilt and greed. It also helped me to identify the root issues, teach me how to seek the Lord for restoration. Gives me keys to victory.
* Extremely blessed by the teaching, indeed Spirit-led as Abba want to heal me on certain heart issue I am facing now.
* The teaching is so rich!
* Deeply appreciate the teachings based on the Word of God. So knowledgeable and great teaching in spiritual that minister to hearts.
* Vitamins for the soul!
* Enlightening and new insights!
* The concepts you presented are so applicable. You used very good examples, stories, Scripture verses to simplify and emphasize a point, easy for us to digest and understand and also your own testimonies, I really like it. So beneficial also are the Gateways into my heart, something I never connect or relate to my heart before.
* It’s like a healing ministry teaching to me. God used your teachings to highlight my problems. Awakened my senses and I had deliverance of my issues after that. Really Good! Very lively.